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typo in release notes preview


I hope that this is the correct place to report
issues with the woody release notes.

Section 3.3.4 (Adding APT CD-ROM Sources) at



    Make sure there is a line in /etc/fstab that enables mounting your
    CD-ROM drive at the /cdrom mount point (the exact /cdrom mount
    point is required for apt-cdrom).For example, if /dev/hdc is your
    CD-ROM drive, /etc/fstab should contain a line like:

            /dev/hdc/cdrom auto defaults,noauto,ro0 0
                   ^^^                           ^^^

The last line lacks spaces at the marked positions.
This is even more confusing, because the next paragraph
elaborates on the importance of correctly placing
the space characters.

I think this should be fixed before the release.


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