Available Documentation in the Debian's WWW/FTP mirrors/CDs
I have downloaded some unofficial CDs of potato and I have seen a
problem which can be found in our mirrors, our ftp sites, our web site, and
the Cd's made by debian-cd.
The core of the problem is: documentation is in more than one place
and does not always include translated documentation available at the DDP.
Please check, for example:
in a Debian-CD:/doc
www.debian.org/international/Spanish (only in Spanish sorry)
We need a consistent way to offer our documentation, so it is
available in all mediums the same documentation... I was surprised, for
example, not to see the translations of the "Debian Installation Manual" on
the final (official) Debian slink cd's, but it *was* available at the web
Now, ¿who is in charge of this? ¿How can I fix it? ¿Is it somehow
automagically managed?
I intend to do my best, if nobody else is working on it (or even if
it is), to have a stardand way to distribute our documentation in all the mediums
final users will see but I need some help of those who know why it currently is
how it is.
Best regards
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