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Re: Debian Touts Integrated SGML Environment/sans SMGL-Tools

>>>>> "Bernd" == Bernd Kreimeier <bk@gamers.org> writes:

Bernd> The last time I looked (I am currently not on the LDP list),
Bernd> HOWTO writer's etc. were urged/encouraged/whatever to move to
Bernd> DocBook. For months, I kept occasionally installing and
Bernd> removing 1.x and 2.x. I am simply not in the position to learn
Bernd> Python just to get the package installed. I won't switch to
Bernd> RedHat either.

Good for you!  ;)

>> Aside from that, if you are trying to support sgml-tools 2.x on
>> Debian, based on my rather foggy (it was a while ago) remembrance

Bernd> Thanks for trying. If only somebody could be specific for once,
Bernd> then I'd happily write it down as a fool-proof (by my success)
Bernd> INSTALL.debian.

Well, if, as I claim, installing sgml-tools v2 is so easy on debian,
then wouldn't it be easier/better to just provide the package?  Then
no need to write that document.

I've emailed the current Debian maintainer (please continue CC the
debian maintainer at <sgml-tools@packages.debian.org>), asking what I
can do to help get sgml-tools v2 into potato, including doing an NMU
for him.

One issue which I am uncertain about is whether we should just take
the sgml-tools v1 package and *replace* it with a v2-based one, or
whether we should provide *both* sgml-tools v1 and sgml-tools v2
(maybe a new pkg named sgml-tools-2).

Thoughts from this list?

Bernd> If the updated package gets uploaded to stable, I am sure there
Bernd> are a few people on the lists who'd appreciate a short
Bernd> notifier. Thanks for replying.

We'll try to remember.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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