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Re: [SUMMARY] issues under contention in debian metadata

"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:
> Could you please update the current topics page on the DDP webpages with
> a suitable summary of this topic, with references to the full text of
> your proposals?

Will do.

> Please have a look at the webpages for things that are out of date or 
> incorrect.

>From http://www.debian.org/~elphick/ddp/manuals.html.  First off, it
would be nice to have a TOC there pointing down to anchors of the
major categories, i.e., "General Manuals", "User Manuals", etc.

General Manuals:

"Debian GNU/Linux FAQ" link (=>
http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/faq/index.html) is broken.

There's another FAQ too, a FAQ-o-matic called the "Debian-user FAQ",
maintained by Igor (who is looking for volunteers for maintaining this
very bazaar-style FAQ) which is at http://www.debian.org/fom/1.html.

Administrator Manuals:

The installation guide is maintained now primarily by Igor Grobman.
It's been recently updated.  HTML is at
http://www.igoria.net/install/install.html, SGML sources are in there
too.  He doesn't seem to use CVS; perhaps we could give Igor a subdir
under the CVS tree and have him do it right out of there.  Also the
title is changed, it's now "Installing Debian Linux 2.0 For x86".  It
only covers x86, and Debian Linux 2.0 is not *only* for x86 anymore,
so let's try to rid ourselves of x86-centricness.

Developers Manuals:

These are more my personal comments rather than corrections.

"Introduction: Making a Debian Package" -- out of date, only mentions
debmake, not the debhelper tools.  How this manual fits in with all
the other (half-finished, all!) "how to make a package" tutorials puts
the relevance of this document into question for me.

"Debian Packaging HOWTO" -- also out of date, but more in keeping with
what debian manuals should look like.  Igor, is this orphaned or are
you still the one?

Someone earlier mentioned a a debmake howto.  I think that and the
Packaging HOWTO should be merged.  Can someone track down the person
who mentioned they were working on this, get their name and add an
entry for them, and maybe convince them to subscribe to this group
and/or put their source into CVS under the debian-doc tree and/or
merge their manual with the "Packaging HOWTO" above?

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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