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Re: [SUMMARY] issues under contention in debian metadata

Am 09.07.98 schrieb apharris # burrito.onshore.com ...

Moin Adam!

APH> Type element:
APH>   This element shall stay, although it is considered experimental.
APH>   Several suggested values will be provided, but maintainers can add
APH>   new ones, at least during the experimental phase.  Of course display
APH>   systems don't have to show it if they don't want to.

Ok, I could live with that solution. But another question to Marcus: will  
we have something like general/book? I think that this is really  

APH> Rights element:
APH>   This element shall stay.  A set of experiement "tokens" will be
APH>   provided, such as GPL, NPL, LGPL, and "non-editable" (free but
APH>   cannot be edited without restrictions).  It is felt that ability to
APH>   have notation of the rights of the document is in line with the
APH>   Debian Social Contract.

Ok, but I#ll not use it.

APH>   No central document store or API will be provided at this pass.
APH>   However, a list of registered docreg files will be maintained by the
APH>   system (i.e., this could be used by 'dhelp_parse -r').  Other lists

I have got a better solution. It should be possible to register a rebuild  
shell script for tools like dhelp. doc-base will tell the script which  
docreg files should be used.

The -r option should only used for real problems.

APH>   Marco's:           docreg file path + Identifier *or* URL

I#ve changed my proposal. I suggest that we use

  <package><name choosen by the maintainer>

as identifier and the we add a new field called "File: ". I don#t like the  
idea to use URLs or filenames as identifier.

Adding this new field wouldn#t violate the DC "standard".

I think the reason that there#s no such field in the DC "standard" is very  
clear. They use it for HTML files (DC will be in the HTML file) and for  
books (they can use the ISBN number).

APH>      con - dislike the coupling between docreg file path and
APH>            Identifier, suspect this will lead to orphaned objects in
APH>            conjunction with FHS and problems with debugging, and
APH>            widespread maintainer confusion.

As I#ve shown you have got these problems with both solutions.

APH>   APH's URN: Identifier is URL, or a URN of the form
APH>              'debian://package/<file relative to pkg doc area>'.
APH>      pro - FSSTD to FHS transition doesn't not require docreg change

But it will slow down the building of an index, because you have to search  
several directories.

con - broken links (translation -> original document), if you
      have to move some file positions.

cu, Marco

Uni: Budde@tu-harburg.de           Fido: 2:240/5202.15
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