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Re: Re^6: some suggestions for docreg

Marco.Budde@hqsys.antar.com (Marco Budde) writes:
> Am 04.05.98 schrieb apharris # burrito.onshore.com ...
> APH> That's a technical problem and has technical solutions.  Say we have a
> APH> local knob for the local sysadmin saying "do prefer German
> APH> documentation".  Then a format could provide a translation of the
> APH> section and the abstract.  Perhaps when both English and German are
> APH> available, German is presented instead.
> I can#t see the connection. You#ve suggested the following:

Instead of *guessing* what I'm saying why don't you look at the spec?

>   DocID: bla
>   Title: Printing HOWTO
>   Abstract: Descripes printing on a Linux system
>   File: ppp-howto.html
>   Language: en
>   File: DE-PPP-HOWTO.html
>   Language: de
> And this will *not* work.

Nor is it what I was proposing in my spec.
> With this syntax I have descriptions in both languages. 

More than one way to do that.  And you'r destroying the integrity of
the document-identifier and the data design.

> And we need such a  
> feature like DocID_orig for packages like doc-linux-<language>, because  
> the HOWTOs are in several packages.

This makes no sense.

> APH> real-world representation.  We must stick to these abstractions unless
> APH> there's a *real* *good* reason to break them.  This is not such a
> APH> reason.
> I don#t understand that. Please descripe, how you would solve this  
> problem. I don#t see your solution.

Please read my description.  I'll send an ascii version for you since
I guess you couldn't access the URL I sent earlier?

>   2.) We need a connection between a document in several languages.
>       Therefor we need something like DocID_orig:

Absolutely the wrong way to solve the problem.  A document identifier
is a document identifier; it is a globally unique identifier, not an
identifier *plus* a language identifier.  Those are two issues and
they should not be solved in a single field.

No document I care to write will explain to you the principles of good
data design.  Sorry.

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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