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2) DDH --- Annotated Version



Debian Document Hierarchy --- annotated version

| Debian/ |					[debian]
| All Debian specific information.        |
| Status and goals of the Debian project, |
| its supporting entities and information |
| about Debian development.               |

	News/						[news]
	| Important information for Debian Developer and User. Maybe   |
	| we can later write a few scripts that add things here auto-  |
	| matically from package information during upgrade.           |
	| An example would be new handling of symlinks in /usr/include.|
	Politics/					[polit]
	| Goals and Structure of the Debian Project. |
	Administration/					[admin]
	| How to install and remove packages, make use of conf- |
	| files and what to watch for.                          |
	Bug Database/					[bugs]
	| Information about the Bug Tracking Database. |
	| How to get info about old bugs and how to    |
	| submit new.                                  |
	Support/					[support]
	| Information about the mailing lists and probably     |
	| available consultants. Vendors that deliver Debian   |
	| preinstalled? Information how people can support us? |
		Bug Database/@ -> ../Bug Database/		[----]
	Security/					[security]
	| Probably we should package the web pages here. |
	| Information about security@debian.org          |
	Development/					[devel]
	| Information about Debian Packaging and Debian  |
	| Projects (like dpkg, i18n, apt, ports to other |
	| architectures, whatever I'm missing.           |
		Package Maintenance/				[maint]
		| How to create a Debian package... |
			Policy/						[policy]
			| ...that fits nicely in... +
			Helper Programs/				[helper]
			| ...with the help of scripts |
		Dpkg/						[dpkg]
		| Information about internal structure of Dpkg |
		| and the Debian package management.           |

| Installation and Administration/ |		[instadm]
| Tasks of the System Administrator   |
| Installation of a Linux system.     |
| Tasks that require root privileges. |
| Task that are useful done system    |
| wide. Preconfiguration of software. |
| Setting up a network and network    |
| services.                           |
	Initial Setup/					[setup]
	| Documents to be read before a Linux system is even |
	| installed.                                         |
		Coexistence with other OS/		[coexist]
		| Special remarks about coexistence of Linux |
		| with a variety of othe OSs.                |
	Kernel/						[kernel]
	| Information about the Linux Kernel. How to |
	| compile and install a kernel.              |
		Booting/					[boot]
		| How to boot a kernel. |
		Modules/					[modules]
		| How to install and use modules. Kerneld. |
	Hardware/					[hardware]
	| Specific instructions to get certain hardware            |
	| configured and running. Requires often low-level changes |
	| like kernel recompile.                                   |
		Architectures/					[arch]
		| Information about Platforms and Processors. |
		Laptops/					[laptop]
		| How to get Linux on a Laptop. |
		Controllers and Interfaces/			[interf]
		| Information about bus, controller, interfaces. |
		Graphic Cards/					[graphic]
		Amateur Radio/					[ham]
		Serial Devices/					[serial]
		| Serial ports, cards, multi-serial cards. |
		Performance/					[perf]
		| Benchmarks and BogoMips. |
		Network/					[net]
		| Supported Network Cards, other |
		| strange network devices.       |
		Input Devices/					[input]
		| Input devices like mice, graphic tablets, |
		| light pins, ...                           |
		Sound Cards/				 	[sound]
		Data Storage Media/				[data]
		| Mass storage devices like blackboards and paper. ;) |
			Hard Drives/				[hd]
			Compact Disk/				[cd]
			| RO and RW |
			Tape/					[tape]
		To Support Impaired/	(title?)		[access]
		| Anybody a better title? Special Devices to               |
		| make computer accesible for impaired. Braille terminals, |
		| emacsspeak, etc. Also tips for software configuration :-/|
		Miscellaneous/					[misc]
	Software/					[software]
	| Software can make use of hardware that is already installed. |
	| In this section documents can safely assume that a device is |
	| accesible through the kernel.                                |
		Booting/@ -> ../Kernel/Booting/			[----]
		Kernel/@ -> ../Kernel/				[----]
		Backup/						[backup]
		| How to save data from the flames. |
		Keyboard and Console/				[terminal]
		| Configuration of non-us keyboards and    |
		| fonts. How to make programs 8-bit clean. |
		| Hopefully here will be a link to the a   |
		| Debian project some time.                |
			SVGATextMode/				[svgatextmode] 
		Input Devices/					[input]
		Communication/					[comm]
		| Voice Modem and Fax. Getty. |
		Printer/					[printer]
		| How to install a printer spooler. |
			LPRng/						[lprng]
			Filter/						[filter]
			| Processing of files the printer |
			| does not understand normally.   |
		Network/					[net]
			Dial Up Connection/				[dialup]
			| Information (usually) useful for |
			| dial-up connections.             |
			Firewall and Masquerading/			[firewall]
			| Making the local network seperate |
			| from the internet.                |
			Bridge/						[bridge]
			| Bridging and Gatewaying(?). |
			| It's not the same but I can |
			| change the title.           |
			Protocols/					[proto]
			| Common network protocols that are not only |
			| used by a single app internally.           |
				UUCP/						[uucp]
				PPP/						[ppp]
			Services/					[service]
			| All sorts of network services. |
				Mail/						[mail]
					Sendmail/					[sendmail]
					Exim/						[exim]
				News/						[news]
					Inn/						[inn]
				World Wide Web/					[www]
				Miscellaneous/					[misc]
			X/@ -> ../X/Network/				[----]
			| Setting up X in a network. |
		Database/					[db]
		| Database server. |
			SQL/					[sql]
		X/						[x]
		| X installation and site-configuration. |
			Network/					[net] 
			Window Manager/					[wm]
			Desktop Environments/				[de]
		Amateur Radio/					[ham]
		Miscellaneous/					[misc]
	Internationalisation and Localisation/		[locales]
	Security/					[security]
		Debian/@ -> ../../Debian/Security		[----]

| User's Manuals |					[user]
| Working with a Linux system.       |
| Manuals for applications etc.      |
| How to configure the user profile. |
| How to use client software.        |
| Usually no root access necessary   |
| (if the system is administrated).  |
	Shells/						[shell]
		Bash/						[bash]
	Other Operating Systems/			[otheros]
	| Programs that connects Linux to other |
	| operating system by making their data |
	| accesible or running their programs.  |
		Emulators/					[emu]
		| Programs that run programs |
		| from other OS.             |
			Dosemu/						[dosemu]
	Games/						[games]
	Printing/					[printing]
	| How to print a document              |
	| or convert it to a printable format. |
	Sound/						[sound]
	| Programs to play various sound formats. |
	| Composing and sequencing.               |
	Text Editors/					[edit]
		Emacsen/					[emacs]
	Email/						[mail]
	| Mail readers and supporting software. |
	| Filtering and mail-fetching.          |
		Filter/						[filter]
	World Wide Web/					[www]
	| Browser and HTML editors. |
	| http client software.     |
	| Probably TCP/IP client    |
	| software, too? ftp,telnet?|
		Browser/					[browser]
		HTML/						[html]
			Development/@ ->../../../Development/Languages/World Wide Web/
	Text Processing and Document Formats/		[text]
		SGML/						[sgml]
		TeX and LaTeX/					[tex]
		PostScript/					[ps]
		PDF/						[pdf]
		Groff/						[groff]
		Info/						[info]
	Science/					[science]
		Mathematics/					[math]
		Physics and Astronomy/				[physik]
	Graphic Processing/				[graphic]
		3D/						[threed]
		| Rendering software. |
	X/						[x]
		Window Managers/@ -> ../../Inst&Admin/Software/X/Window Manager/
		Desktop Environments/				[de]

| Development/ |			*1*	[devel]
	Debian/@ -> ../Debian/Development/		[----]
	Building/					[build]
	| Tools to manage and build a source tree |
	| or a bunch of source files.             |
	| Language independent or useful for      |
	| several languages.                      |
	Debugging/					[debug]
	| Debugging of executables   |
	| with support for more than |
	| one language.              |
	Kernel/						[kernel]
	| Kernel internals |
		Driver/						[driver]
		| Device driver internals. |
	Languages/					[lang]
	| Programming languages. Well, |
	| this will be grow, I think.  |
	| The subdirectories depend on |
	| the tools and components     |
	| available.                   |
		Preprocessor/					[pp]
		Assembler/					[asm]
		Parser Generator/				[parser]
		C/						[c]
			Compiler/					[comp]
			Libraries/					[lib]
		C++/						[cxx]
			Compiler/					[comp]			
			Libraries/					[lib]
		Java/						[java]
			Compiler/					[comp]
			Classes/					[class]
		Perl/						[perl]
			Modules/					[modules]
		Python/						[python]
		Scheme/						[scheme]
		SQL/						[sql]
		World Wide Web/			*2*		[www]
		| Languages that are integrated with |
		| the www or that create html files. |
			Java/@ -> ../Java/				[----]
		Miscellaneous/					[misc]
		| LambdaMOO and Icon ;) |
	Libraries/					[lib]
	| Shared Libraries will be registered twice, one time |
	| in the language subsection they are written in      |
	| and the other time here, sorted by task.            |
		Graphical User Interfaces/			[gui]
		Graphic/					[graphic]
		Math/						[math]
		Security/					[security]

*1*: All below level two is only example. This depends heavily on existing
     documentation and programs for the language.
*2*: This is intended for CGI, Java, PHP, wml, etc...

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/       PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

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