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debiandoc-sgml goes international


I just uploaded the latest version of debiandoc-sgml.  This version
speaks the following languages: 

 - English
 - Dutch
 - German
 - French
 - Spanish
 - Italian
 - Danish

Thanks to all who provided the necessary translations for this! 
For German I received two translations and I took the "best" of
both.  Please use the package for your language and let me know
whether things turn out to be as you expected.  Some of you had 
some doubts about the provided translation, so maybe when you see 
it in action you think of a better one. 

The next main step is adding the references support. :-)


Ardo van Rangelrooij
home email: ardo.van.rangelrooij@tip.nl, ardo@debian.org
home page:  http://www.tip.nl/users/ardo.van.rangelrooij
PGP fp:     3B 1F 21 72 00 5C 3A 73  7F 72 DF D9 90 78 47 F9

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