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Re: Simpler git workflow for packaging with upstreamless repositories

On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 08:49:44PM +0100, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Andrey Rakhmatullin <wrar@debian.org> writes:
> > On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 06:54:18PM +0100, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
> >> This is 1). It cannot be done generically as it requires knowing
> >> where to download from, etc.
> >
> > The archive, when the tarball is already there.
> >
> > These suggestions never discuss what to do when the tarball was never
> > uploaded yet, even I didn't discuss that for simplicity. It makes sense
> > from some PoVs, at least when one doesn't use pristine-tar to make a
> > tarball that has differences in the actual content, not just bit
> > differences in the tarball itself while have identical file contents.
> If you haven't made an upload, then wouldn't you have the tarball
> locally while working on preparing the upload?
> And if someone doesn't have the orig.tar.gz locally, then why would
> anyone want to get it from a random git repository, rather than fetching
> it from the Debian archive or from upstream's release page?  What is the
> use-case here that am I missing?

.orig.tar tarball handling is a horrible mess. I have been a DD for two
decades, have experienced at least three methods to handle them, and
still, upstream tarballs get put by tools in a place where other tools
don't expect them, get misnamed, are compressed by one tool in a format
that the next tool doesn't understand (yet/any more). It invariably
always takes me at least a second try to get it right, and I would LOVE
that having a pristine-tar branch would make me get rid of this chaos by
just rebuilding the .orig.tar.gz if it isnt found in a place where $TOOL
expects it.

It's only a major nuisance compared to others that we have in the
project, but if I had an Euro for every time I have sighed and mv'ed a
tarball, I'd be rich and be able to work almost full time on Debian.


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