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Re: De-vendoring gnulib in Debian packages

On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 04:27:06PM +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Going into detail, you use 'gzip -9n' but I use git-archive defaults
> which is the same as -n aka --no-name.  I agree adding -9 aka --best is
> an improvement.  Gnulib's maint.mk also add --rsyncable, would you agree
> that this is also an improvement?

I'm not convinced --rsyncable is an improvement.  It makes the
compressed object slightly larger, and in exchange, if the compressed
object changes slightly, it's possible that when you rsync the changed
file, it might be more efficient.  But in the case of PGP signed
release tarballs, the file is constant; it's never going to change,
and even if there are slight changes between say, e2fsprogs v1.47.0
and e2fsprogs v1.47.1, in practice, this is not something --rsyncable
can take advantage of, unless you manually copy
e2fsprogs-v1.47.0.tar.gz to e2fsprogs-v1.47.1.tar.bz, and then rsync
e2fsprogs-v1.471.tar.g.... and I don't think anyone is doing this,
either automatically or manually.

That being said, --rsyncable is mostly harmless, so I don't have
strong feelings about changing it to add or remove in someone's
release workflow.

> Right, there is no requirement for orig.tar.gz to be filtered.  But then
> the outcome depends on upstream, and I don't think we can convince all
> upstreams about these concerns.  Most upstream prefer to ship
> pre-generated and vendored files in their tarballs, and will continue to
> do so.

Well, your blog entry does recognize some of the strong reasons why
upstreams will probably want to continue shipping them.  First of all,
not all compilation targets are guaranteed to have autoconf, automake,
et. al, installed.  E2fsprogs is portable to Windows, MacOS, AIX,
Solaris, HPUX, NetBSD, FreeBSD, and GNU/Hurd, in addition to Linux.
If the package subscribes to the 'all the world's Linux, and nothing
else exists/we have no interest in supporting anything elss', I'd ask
the question, why are they using autoconf in the first place?  :-)

Secondly, i have gotten burned with older versions of either autoconf
or the aclocal macros changing in incompatible ways between versions.
So my practice is to check into git the configure script as generated
by autoconf on Debian testing, which is my development system; and if
it fails on anything else, or when a new version of autoconf or
automake, etc. causes my configure script to break, I can curse, and
fix it myself instead of inflicting the breakage on people who are
downloading and trying to compile e2fsprogs.

 Let's assume upstream doesn't ship minimized tarballs that are
> free from vendored or pre-generated files.  That's the case for most
> upstream tarballs in Debian today (including e2fsprogs, openssh,
> coreutils).  Without filtering that tarball we won't fulfil the goals I
> mentioned in the beginning of my post.  The downsides with not filtering
> include (somewhat repeating myself):
> ...

Your arguments are made in a very general way --- there are potential
problems for _all_ autogenerated or vendored files.  However, I think
it's possible to simply things by explicitly restricting the problem
domain to those files auto-generated by autoconf, automake, libtool,
etc.  For example, the argument that this opens things up for bugs
could be fixed by having common code in a debhelper script that
re-generates all of the autoconf and related files.  This address your
"tedious" and "fragile" argument.

And if you are always regenerating those files, you don't need to
audit the code, since they are going to them, no?  And the generated
files from autoconf and friends have well understood licensing

And by the way, all of your concerns about vendored files, and all of
my arguments for why it's no big deal apply to gnulib source files,
too, no?  Why are you so insistent on saying that upstream must never,
ever ship vendored files --- but I don't believe you are making this
argument for gnulib?

Yes, it's simpler if we have procrustean rules of the form "everything
MUST be shared libraries", and "never, EVER have generated or vendored
files".  However, I think we're much better off if we have targetted
solution which fix the 80 to 90% of the cases.  We agree that gnulib
isn't going to be a shared library; but the argument in favor of it
means that there are exception, and I think we need to have similar
accomodations files like configure, config.{guess,sub}.

Upstream *is* going to be shipping those files, and I don't think it's
worth it to deviate from upstream tarballs just to filter out those
files, even if it makes somethings simpler from your perspective.  So
I do hear your arguments; it's just on balance, my opinion is that it's
not worth it.


						- Ted

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