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Re: Binary conflict between Midnight Commander and MinIO Client

On Sun Apr 21, 2024 at 5:37 PM BST, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> Go for it, I think that there is no good solution for this case.
> Everybody who cares then will manually create a mc -> mcli symlink.

Indeed, they will: so I would suggest that the chosen binary name for
minio-client should *not* be mcli, which doesn't appear to clash with
anything in Debian already, but almost certainly clashes with something
outside Debian (which might be packaged in the future), and has no
currency upstream. I'd go with "minio-client" as the binary name, which
also aligns with the binary package name (which as an end-user I always
appreciate), is more discoverable, and very unlikely to clash with
anything else. Then set up a /usr/libexec/mc as suggested else-thread,
and end-users will either use that or set up their own shell alias.

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👱🏻	Jonathan Dowland
✎	 jmtd@debian.org
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