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Re: xz backdoor

In days of yore (Sun, 31 Mar 2024), Colin Watson thus quoth: 
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 10:10:42AM +0200, Sirius wrote:
> > Not worth boiling the ocean over, but is there an estimate of how many
> > packaged projects have customisations to their autoconf that is not found
> > in the upstream autoconf project? If that number is low single digit
> > percent, it may motivate those projects to upstream their modifications.
> > If it is double digits percent, it might not be possible to disallow
> > vendoring the files.
> This is difficult to answer because it's comparing apples and oranges to
> some extent: not all autoconf customizations are vendored or would make
> any kind of sense to upstream.  For example,
> https://gitlab.com/man-db/man-db/-/blob/main/m4/man-arg-config-file.m4
> is obviously specific to that project; it's just in a separate file for
> the same reasons that projects past a certain size don't typically put
> all their code in a single file.
> I suspect the question you're aiming for is something like "how many
> packaged projects have copied autoconf macros from elsewhere and
> modified them but kept the same file names, so that a naïve attempt to
> update them would drop those modifications".  My guess is that the
> number here is very low - IME it's much more common in such cases to
> either rename the macro file to be obviously project-specific or to find
> some workaround that doesn't require changing the upstream macro - but
> I've never seen anything resembling a robust analysis of this and I may
> well have a skewed view.

I find this interesting, even if it is a question that simply does not
have a reasonable answer unless one goes and does the audit. Your
rephrasing is actually closer to what I was aiming at - but that opens
another question that may not have a reasonable answer:

Would throwing away these unmodified (?) macros packaged projects may be
carrying for hysterical raisins in favour of just using the autoconf
native macros reduce the attack-surface a potential malicious actor would
have at their disposal, or would it simply be a "putting all eggs in one
basket" and just make things worse? And by how much vis-a-vis the effort
to do it?

I think that what I am trying to get at is this: is there low-hanging
fruit that for minimal effort would disproportionately improve things from
a security perspective. (I have an inkling that this is a question that
every distribution is wrestling with today.)

My apologies if I am asking too many questions. It has been a long time
since I was using Debian (2004), but I am standing up environments and
looking at how I may be able to put some of my sparse spare time to good
use. So I am looking to learn (by doing) how to package things. I am
building my own .deb of mutt (because I want a few things that the
official package does not have) but am looking for "the right way" to do
it. Just because I built it and it is running does not mean I have done it
right. :-)

Kind regards,


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