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Re: Questionable Package Present in Debian: fortune-mod

On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 06:55:03PM +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> Ubuntu - our "downstream" has abandoned fortunes-off as incompatible with
> their Code of Conduct (which is strikingly similar to ours).

For the record, when I uploaded the change to drop this package from Ubuntu,
what I said was that it was "inconsistent with Ubuntu values".  The Ubuntu
Code of Conduct is an *expression* of those values, but the CoC governs the
actions of those in the Ubuntu community; it does not bind our upstreams,
nor does it compel us to police either the words, or the views expressed, in
all of the packages in the archive.  An audit of that sort would certainly
be unrealistic.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                   https://www.debian.org/
slangasek@ubuntu.com                                     vorlon@debian.org

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