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Re: Potential MBF: packages failing to build twice in a row

>>>>> "Lucas" == Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@debian.org> writes:

    Lucas> But unless we go further than that and decide that we don't
    Lucas> care at all about 'source builds after successful builds',
    Lucas> the bugs (which where filed severity:minor) remain valid.

FWIW in terms of building toward a consensus.  I'd like to see policy
updated to de-emphasize the importance of clean working.

I don't think you did anything wrong by filing these bugs at severity
minor, but I also don't see the point in spending the time doing that.
Fortunately that doesn't matter: Debian allows people to focus on what
is important to them, and it's totally fine if you focus your time on
something I think is kind of pointless.
A maintainer can tag the bug as wontfix (or close and tag as wontfix) if
they like.
I got a couple of these bugs filed on packages I'm involved with.
I'll fix them if it's easy, because while I don't really care, you care
enough to have spent the time, and part of being in a community is
respecting the work of others.

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