Bug#1042088: ITP: lrzip-next -- lrzip-next is an enhanced version of the lrzip package with many new features.
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Peter Hyman <pete@peterhyman.com>
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
* Package name : lrzip-next
* Version : 0.12.0
* Upstream Contact: Peter Hyman <pete@peterhyman.com>
* URL : https://github.com/pete4abw/lrzip-next
* License : GPL
* Programming Lang: C, C++, Assembler, Bash Shell
* Description : lrzip-next is an enhanced version of the lrzip package
with many new features.
lrzip-next is the successor to Con Kolivas' lrzip program.
It is a compression program that uses a two stage process.
First, the file is pre-processed using Andrew Tridgell's rzip
functions that hashes the source file over long range. Second,
the hashed and data streams are compressed by user-selected
compression backends. These are: bzip2, bzip3, gzip, lzo, lzma,
zpaq, and zstd. Alternately, a pre-processing BCJ filter for
multiple architectures can improve binary executable compressions.
Finally, a Delta offset filter can be applied. Very useful for WAV or
PCM files. lrzip-next is current with lzma SDK 23.01 and zpaq SDK
7.15. Archives can be hashed or compressed using any of thirteen
hashes or two different encryption algorithms: AES-128 or AES-256.
lrzip-next will coexist with lrzip as no installed filenames overlap.
- why is this package useful/relevant?
lrzip-next is under active development.
it includes additional compression backends: bzip3, zstd.
it can optionally use BCJ and Delta filters for pre-processing.
it uses the upstream x86_64 Assembler code to improve
decompression (up to 40% faster) and compression time.
it uses libgcrypt for hashing and encryption functions.
- Is it a dependency for another package? NO
- Do you use it? YES
- If there are other packages providing similar functionality, how does
it compare?
lrzip uses lzma SDK 9. lrzip-next uses lzma SDK 23.01.
lrzip uses zpaq SDK 4, lrzip-next uses the last zpaq SDK 7.15.
lrzip-next keeps current with all lzma upstream fixes and enhancements.
(zpaq is no longer maintained).
lrzip supports 32 bit systems. lrzip-next only support x64 systems.
lrzip-next uses all 9 lzma compression levels, lrzip only 7.
lrzip-next allows custom lzma dictionary, bzip3 and zpaq block sizes,
zstd compression levels to 22.
lrzip-next adds BCJ and Delta pre-filters from lzma SDK.
lrzip-next allows for archive comments.
lrzip-next has improved user output, man pages, and a full wiki.
lrzip-next is under active development. lrzip has been on version 0.6xx
since 2011.
lrzip-next tracks lrzip development and any CVE or other critical fixes
are imported where relevant.
- How do you plan to maintain it? inside a packaging team?
I have written a package for it, but would appreciate being part of a team.
I would need support porting and testing lrzip-next to other 64-bit
- Are you looking for co-maintainers? do you need a sponsor?
Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <gcs@debian.org> is the maintainer for lrzip.
As I am new to Debian (Slackware since 1997), It makes sense that he could
support me or others involved in compression applications.
Thank you
Peter Hyman
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