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Bug#1038627: general: Various applications log PipeWire-related errors on a Bookworm system using PulseAudio.

I've noticed that if pipewire.service is running, it'll prevent pulseaudio from handling audio sub-system. So maybe it should be disabled together with its pipewire.socket? The main question that still remains is that GNU/Linux distributions somehow worked without PipeWire and there weren't such issues. If the system already uses PulseAudio, what other components have to be installed/configured to properly replace also the PipeWire video capturing part?


------- Original Message -------
On Monday, June 19th, 2023 at 13:08, Simon McVittie - smcv at debian.org <wudqerpmidpvhsjwveshtwwhsrmsbrgscm@simplelogin.co> wrote:

> Pipewire is not just for audio, it's also used for video capture
> (that's why xdg-desktop-portal needs it, and the same is probably true
> for other applications).
> To disable the audio side of Pipewire, my understanding is that it should
> be sufficient to remove pipewire-pulse, pipewire-alsa, pipewire-jack
> and libspa-0.2-bluetooth, while leaving pipewire and wireplumber installed.
> smcv

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