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Re: booststrapping /usr-merged systems

* Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org> [2023-06-10 19:54]:
I would caution to avoid interpreting clarifying questions being asked
as dissent. It's good to ask questions and clarify details about
corner cases, but I wouldn't automatically write them down as
disagreement. At least that's my reading of recent parts of this
This is also my understanding. And for the record, I want to
emphasize that I am very much in favor of the plan that Helmut came
up with, for a number of reasons:

[Full disclosure: I had a few in-person discussions with Helmut in
Hamburg last month, so I am probably somewhat biased by now.]

1. Helmut has shown experimentally that his transition plan can
work. There are always unknown unknowns, of course, but at the very
least, we do not have to break any use-cases intentionally.

2. The transition will leave us in a well-defined state post-trixie
without the need to add (and continue to maintain) any clutches
(or "special cases") for dpkg.

3. Almost all problematic cases can be dealt with by some black
magic in a single usrmerge-support package. It is not pretty, but it
will get the job done; a bunch of trickery to make dpkg do the Right
Thing despite its incomplete knowledge of aliased paths.

4. We will be able detect the few cases where the Right Thing does
not happen transparently, and we can even give advance warning to
affected package maintainers what they should and should not do. If
the maintainers of those packages pre-upload their transitioned
packages to experimental for some automated tests and verification,
we can avoid any breakage in unstable and testing.

Of course, you do not have to take my word for any of this. I am a
big fan of Helmut's approach with experimental verification and
data-driven discovery. Have a look at his published test scripts and
try to poke holes in them. The more people do this, the more
confidence we can have that this might actually work after all.


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