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Re: An email address for drive-by bug reports?

>>>>> "Ivan" == Ivan Shmakov <ivan@siamics.net> writes:

    >> Having a bunch of problem reports that no one is interested in
    >> cluttering up package pages has a cost.  Just for the same
    >> reasons you don't want these reports cluttering up your bugs from
    >> page, I perhaps don't want them cluttering up my bugs on my
    >> package pages if you no longer care.

    Ivan> 	My long-time opinion is that so long as the bug is
    Ivan> reproducible, and does affect Debian users, it’s ought to be
    Ivan> in the BTS, open.

I appreciate that is your position.
But as I point out in the paragraph above, that position has a cost for
maintainers and for the project as a whole.

What's needed to move forward from such a position is for people to
think about the balance between  the various costs.
I didn't get that you were trying to do that from your message, and I
appreciate that I might not be trying to look at things expansively

You proposed the wontfix tag as related.
I don't think it is.
I might well be willing as a maintainer to fix some of these isues *if
someone cares and is willing to take on the submitter role, working with
me, and confirming fixes*.
That interaction makes it more worth my time as an issue.
Wontfix incorrectly implies that if someone comes along and cares about
the issue I'd be unwilling to work with them.

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