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Re: When are distributions removed from main package mirrors?


Probably someone with the good hat will reply at some point, but here's
what I gathered.

deb251@lewenberg.com wrote on 31/01/2023 at 15:02:36+0100:

> Every so often distributions are removed from the main Debian package
> mirrors. For example, on 20-Mar-2019 it was announced that non-LTS
> wheezy and jessie were being removed
> (https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2019/03/msg00006.html)
> Is there a Debian document or guideline that provides a schedule for
> when a distribution will be removed from the main mirrors

Not that I know of.

> or are removals purely ad-hoc?

It seems pretty connected with storage space or "ok, now this is really


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