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Help setting dbconfig-common for MariaDB, not MySQL


please pardon my ignorance about Debian install. I'm distributing a software which could use various DBMS'es by setting a number of parameters. Example parameters are only given for MariaDB. I distribute a debian/ directory that Debian users can use to prepare a package instead of configure, make, make install. However, the debian/postinst supports MariaDB only.

A user complained that MySQL doesn't work, because it misses the INET6 type that the example settings use. Now I've added "mariadb-client | mariadb-server | dbconfig-no-thanks" to the Debian clause in debian/control. I'm not clear how I could add an (optional) Conflicts mysql-something, also because I see no mysql-server in the package cache.

Is there a way to fail if a user chooses to install the DB but MariaDB is missing? Or is the above enough?

Thanks in advance for any hint

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