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Re: rewarding the good Open Source work :)

ok thought it through...

... the idea was, to reward those, that add value to society/all of mankind.

but then some might feel treated unfair? (because all work in this field is valuable, from coding, to compiling, to packaging, to documentation "howtos")

and all that contributed to Debian before 2023 would have to be granted: ~ 10 Billion USD to make it fair.


"The cost of developing all of the packages included in Debian 5.0 Lenny (323 million lines of code) has been estimated to be about US$8 billion, using one method based on the COCOMO model.[246] As of 2016, Black Duck Open Hub estimates that the current codebase (74 million lines of code) would cost about US$1.4 billion to develop, using a different method based on the same model.[247][248]"

money can't buy love

On 5/10/22 22:02, admin4 wrote:
Dear Debian Developers,

the idea is to reward the good Open Source work :)

What about (could do that in PHP) reward system, that logs/makes transparent, what developer-contributor, contributed how much "work" (meassured in hours/lines of code/but also votes (rating the quality of the commit?))

and then give out rewards accordingly... ?

(can be money, could be hardware donations, could be club mate?)

(maybe every developer-contributor can make a "wishlist" and Debian tries to make that happen according to donations X-D)

what does thee think?

(probably not the first someone had that idea)


mit freundlichem Gruß / best regards

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