Hi, nose [1] is a testing framework for Python, which is dead and unmaintained since 2015 [2][3]. The former maintainer of nose recommends projects using nose to switch to nose2 [4], pytest [5] or unittest from Python standard library [6]. There is a script called nose2pytest [7] which can assist with migrating from nose to pytest. nose has a Python 2 code base and it is difficult to keep it in working state for new Python versions. It will probably become impossible after Python 3.13, where lib2to3 will be removed [8]. In Debian sid, we still have 389 packages which either build-depend on nose or use it in autopkgtests. I propose to file bugs for them asking to switch to a supported alternative. A dd-list is attached. [1]: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/nose [2]: https://github.com/nose-devs/nose/commit/0f40fa995384afad [3]: https://pypi.org/project/nose/#history [4]: https://docs.nose2.io/en/latest/ [5]: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/ [6]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html [7]: https://github.com/pytest-dev/nose2pytest [8]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/2to3.html#module-lib2to3 -- Dmitry Shachnev
Adrian Vondendriesch <adrian.vondendriesch@credativ.de> flask-mongoengine (U) Adrien Vergé <adrienverge@gmail.com> yamllint (U) Afif Elghraoui <afif@debian.org> falcon (U) optlang (U) swiglpk (U) Aggelos Avgerinos <evaggelos.avgerinos@gmail.com> imbalanced-learn (U) py-radix (U) Agustin Henze <tin@debian.org> webassets Aigars Mahinovs <aigarius@debian.org> isbnlib python-dlt python-zipstream Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry@debian.org> metaconfig Alexandre Viau <aviau@debian.org> influxdb-python (U) Alvin Chen <sonoma001@gmail.com> requirement-parser Ana Custura <ana@netstat.org.uk> namecheap python-cymruwhois tldextract yapf Andreas Beckmann <anbe@debian.org> piuparts (U) Andreas Metzler <ametzler@debian.org> libvigraimpex (U) Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> fastaq (U) iva (U) paleomix (U) python-biom-format (U) python-nose-random (U) python-pbcore (U) python-pyani (U) python-pymummer (U) python-pynndescent (U) pyutilib (U) qiime (U) scoary (U) umap-learn (U) youtube-dl Andrej Shadura <andrewsh@debian.org> docker-compose (U) netplan.io (U) sortedcontainers (U) Andrew Chadwick <a.t.chadwick@gmail.com> mypaint (U) Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <asb@debian.org> fabric (U) pyxdg (U) Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar@debian.org> dateparser (U) Andrius Merkys <merkys@debian.org> xraylarch (U) anonym <anonym@riseup.net> onionshare (U) Antoine Beaupré <anarcat@debian.org> dateparser (U) python-invoke (U) Antoine Musso <hashar@free.fr> python-statsd (U) voluptuous (U) Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org> python-ofxclient (U) rows (U) Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino@tiscali.it> pysph (U) python-hdf4 (U) Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoikos@debian.org> ripe-atlas-cousteau (U) ripe-atlas-sagan (U) ripe-atlas-tools Arno Töll <arno@debian.org> dput-ng (U) Arthur de Jong <adejong@debian.org> python-pskc python-stdnum Arto Jantunen <viiru@debian.org> python-inflect (U) Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@debian.org> python-mapnik (U) python-stetl (U) Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com> rocketcea Ben Finney <bignose@debian.org> python-lockfile Benda Xu <orv@debian.org> vitables (U) Benjamin Drung <bdrung@debian.org> python-redmine Benjamin Drung <benjamin.drung@cloud.ionos.com> modernize (U) python-ipmi (U) Bernd Zeimetz <bzed@debian.org> flask-wtf (U) Brian May <bam@debian.org> celery (U) django-nose (U) python-passlib (U) BW Keller <malzraa@gmail.com> yt (U) Carl Chenet <chaica@ohmytux.com> python-memcache (U) Carlos Maddela <e7appew@gmail.com> rmlint Carsten Schoenert <c.schoenert@t-online.de> kicad (U) kopano-webapp (U) kopanocore (U) ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <czchen@debian.org> dodgy (U) prospector (U) python-requirements-detector (U) python-setoptconf (U) voltron (U) Chris Boot <crb@tiger-computing.co.uk> nrpe-ng Chris Johnston <chrisjohnston@ubuntu.com> python-flake8 (U) Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org> django-assets (U) Christian Kastner <ckk@debian.org> imbalanced-learn (U) scikit-learn (U) tpot (U) Christian M. 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python-yubico Debian Cloud Team <debian-cloud@lists.debian.org> python-boto Debian Electronics Team <pkg-electronics-devel@alioth-lists.debian.net> kicad Debian FreeIPA Team <pkg-freeipa-devel@alioth-lists.debian.net> freeipa Debian FreeIPA Team <pkg-freeipa-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org> python-jwcrypto Debian GIS Project <pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org> python-descartes python-geopandas python-hdf4 python-mapnik python-stetl Debian Let's Encrypt Team <team+letsencrypt@tracker.debian.org> pyrfc3339 (U) Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging@lists.alioth.debian.org> bcbio biomaj3 biomaj3-cli biomaj3-core biomaj3-daemon biomaj3-download biomaj3-process biomaj3-user cwlformat falcon fastaq gfapy imbalanced-learn insilicoseq iva mirtop neo nibabel nipy paleomix pynn python-biom-format python-deeptools python-fitbit python-gffutils python-gtfparse python-mne python-pbcore python-pyani python-pybedtools python-pymummer python-seqcluster python-sqt pyxnat q2-diversity-lib q2-quality-filter q2cli qiime recan scoary umap-learn Debian netplan Maintainers <team+netplan@tracker.debian.org> netplan.io Debian OpenStack <team+openstack@tracker.debian.org> designate-dashboard kazoo manila-ui mistral mistral-dashboard murano neutron-tempest-plugin openstack-trove pykafka pyroute2 python-barbicanclient python-crank python-croniter python-django-compressor python-django-pyscss python-doc8 python-etcd3gw python-falcon python-hplefthandclient python-httpretty python-hvac python-jsonpath-rw python-jsonschema python-kafka python-memcache python-morph python-nose-exclude python-nose-parameterized python-nose-timer python-nosehtmloutput python-oauth2client python-os-ken python-proboscis python-pure-sasl python-pyeclib python-pylxd python-pymemcache python-pytimeparse python-randomize python-repoze.who python-sure python-tooz python-wsme python-xvfbwrapper python-zake swift swift-bench testresources websockify Debian PaN Maintainers <debian-pan-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> xraylarch Debian Privacy Tools Maintainers <pkg-privacy-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> onionshare Debian Python Modules Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> mistune0 Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> aiohttp-mako (U) androguard annexremote anorack backblaze-b2 beaker behave (U) blinker case celery check-manifest cssutils dateparser deap (U) django-assets django-bitfield django-cte django-nose dodgy drf-extensions exam fabric fbtftp flask-appbuilder flask-caching flask-limiter flask-mongoengine flask-restful flask-wtf fuzzywuzzy influxdb-python ipython ipython-genutils ipywidgets j2cli (U) kitchen lazr.config lazr.delegates lazr.smtptest lesana liblarch libthumbor locket modernize moksha.common muttdown mwic mypaint obsub pdfminer pilkit polyline preggy prospector proxmoxer py-macaroon-bakery py-radix py-stringmatching pyasn pyrfc3339 pysolar pytds pytest python-airspeed python-anyjson python-apptools python-biplist python-cassandra-driver python-colormath python-easydev python-elasticsearch python-epc python-etcd python-eventlet python-fedora python-flake8 python-flaky python-flask-cors (U) python-fluent-logger python-fudge python-git python-gitdb python-gssapi python-inflect python-invoke python-ipmi python-jsonrpc python-kajiki python-kubernetes python-libnacl python-limits python-log-symbols python-lzo python-measurement python-nameparser python-nubia python-ofxclient python-openshift python-parameterized python-passlib python-picklable-itertools python-pika (U) python-pomegranate python-pskc (U) python-pynndescent python-pyramid-chameleon python-rdflib-jsonld python-requirements-detector python-rx python-serializable python-setoptconf python-smmap python-spinners python-statsd python-stdnum (U) python-tempita python-testing.mysqld python-testing.postgresql python-traitsui python-typechecks python-ws4py python3-proselint pyutilib pywavelets pyxdg pyzmq ripe-atlas-cousteau ripe-atlas-sagan routes (U) sortedcontainers sparql-wrapper-python sphinx-celery terminado testpath tldextract (U) traittypes transforms3d valinor voltron voluptuous wsgiproxy2 xhtml2pdf xlwt (U) yamllint yanc yapf (U) yotta Debian QA Group <packages@qa.debian.org> apt-xapian-index commando python-bayespy python-djvulibre python-fswrap zope.security Debian Remote Maintainers <debian-remote@lists.debian.org> x2gobroker Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> ros-catkin-lint (U) Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> amp hdf-compass hyperspy keras lazyarray libgpuarray libvigraimpex optlang pynfft pysph python-bumps python-hdf5storage python-nose-random python-param ros-angles ros-bloom ros-bond-core ros-catkin ros-catkin-lint ros-catkin-tools ros-collada-urdf ros-diagnostics ros-geometry ros-geometry2 ros-image-common ros-image-pipeline ros-interactive-markers ros-kdl-parser ros-laser-geometry ros-nodelet-core ros-vcstools ros-vision-opencv scikit-learn skimage spyder-unittest swiglpk theano tpot vitables xraylarch (U) Debian Security Tools <team+pkg-security@tracker.debian.org> binwalk Debian Tasktools Team <team+tasktools@tracker.debian.org> bugwarrior Debian Tryton Maintainers <team+tryton-team@tracker.debian.org> relatorio Debian UBports Team <team+ubports@tracker.debian.org> lomiri-url-dispatcher Diane Trout <diane@ghic.org> locket (U) python-caldav (U) Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov@gmail.com> vitables (U) Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob@debian.org> mom python-lzo (U) Docker Compose Team <team+docker-compose@tracker.debian.org> docker-compose Dominik George <natureshadow@debian.org> python-testing.mysqld (U) Dominik George <nik@naturalnet.de> python-testing.postgresql (U) dput-ng Maintainers <dput-ng@packages.debian.org> dput-ng Drew Parsons <dparsons@debian.org> py-stringmatching (U) python-bumps (U) Dylan Aïssi <daissi@debian.org> python-colormath (U) python-fitbit (U) Edward Betts <edward@4angle.com> django-cte (U) fuzzywuzzy (U) python-nameparser (U) Elena Grandi <valhalla@debian.org> lesana (U) proxmoxer (U) Emmanuel Arias <eamanu@yaerobi.com> python-cassandra-driver (U) Eric Desrochers <slashd@ubuntu.com> sosreport Fabian Wolff <fabi.wolff@arcor.de> python-picklable-itertools (U) Faidon Liambotis <paravoid@debian.org> python-maxminddb Federico Ceratto <federico@debian.org> freezegun python-nmap python-u2flib-server uncertainties Felipe Sateler <fsateler@debian.org> docker-compose (U) Felix Moessbauer <felix.moessbauer@siemens.com> python-airspeed (U) Florian Pelgrim <florian.pelgrim@craneworks.de> pyroute2 (U) Francois Mazen <francois@mzf.fr> liblarch (U) Free Ekanayaka <freee@debian.org> obsub (U) Frédéric Pierret <frederic.pierret@qubes-os.org> dnf (U) libdnf (U) librepo (U) Gard Spreemann <gspr@nonempty.org> python-cmaes python-pyspike gdebi developers <gdebi@packages.debian.org> gdebi Georg Faerber <georg@debian.org> mwic (U) Georg Faerber <georg@riseup.net> anorack (U) Georges Khaznadar <georgesk@debian.org> kicad (U) Ghislain Antony Vaillant <ghisvail@gmail.com> hdf-compass (U) libgpuarray (U) pynfft (U) python-hdf5storage (U) python-jsonrpc (U) python-parameterized (U) spyder-unittest (U) Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofborg@debian.org> binwalk (U) python-dlt (U) python-esmre python-phply Gilles Dubuc <gilles@wikimedia.org> exam (U) libthumbor (U) preggy (U) Giraffe Maintainers <pkg-giraffe-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> kopano-webapp kopanocore Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@debian.org> python-xvfbwrapper (U) Gordon Ball <gordon@chronitis.net> ipython (U) ipywidgets (U) Guido Günther <agx@sigxcpu.org> git-buildpackage kopanocore (U) nosexcover osinfo-db whatmaps Guilherme de Paula Xavier Segundo <guilherme.lnx@gmail.com> python-openshift (U) Guinness <guinness@crans.org> python-hkdf gustavo panizzo <gfa@zumbi.com.ar> j2cli muttdown (U) Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org> androguard (U) pyasn (U) python-biplist (U) Harlan Lieberman-Berg <hlieberman@debian.org> ansible (U) pyrfc3339 (U) Holger Levsen <holger@debian.org> piuparts (U) Hugo Lefeuvre <hle@debian.org> cssutils (U) pygeoip python-braintree Iain R. Learmonth <irl@debian.org> pathspider (U) Internet Measurement Packaging Team <pkg-netmeasure-discuss@lists.alioth.debian.org> pathspider Ivan Udovichenko <iudovichenko@mirantis.com> murano (U) python-django-pyscss (U) Jan Dittberner <jandd@debian.org> python-fudge (U) python-pika xlwt Jason Pleau <jason@jpleau.ca> docker-compose (U) Jelle van der Waa <j.vanderwaa@kopano.com> kopano-webapp (U) Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@debian.org> flask-caching (U) python-etcd (U) wsgiproxy2 (U) Jimmy Kaplowitz <jimmy@debian.org> python-oauth2client (U) Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> bugwarrior (U) ros-angles (U) ros-bloom (U) ros-bond-core (U) ros-catkin (U) ros-catkin-lint (U) ros-catkin-tools (U) ros-collada-urdf (U) ros-diagnostics (U) ros-geometry (U) ros-geometry2 (U) ros-image-common (U) ros-image-pipeline (U) ros-interactive-markers (U) ros-kdl-parser (U) ros-laser-geometry (U) ros-nodelet-core (U) ros-vcstools (U) ros-vision-opencv (U) Johan Van de Wauw <johan.vandewauw@gmail.com> python-descartes (U) python-geopandas (U) Johannes 'josch' Schauer <josch@debian.org> ros-diagnostics (U) ros-image-pipeline (U) Johannes Schauer <josch@debian.org> ros-collada-urdf (U) Jonas Meurer <jonas@freesources.org> lazr.config (U) Jonathan Carter <jcc@debian.org> flask-caching (U) flask-restful (U) Jonathan Dowland <jmtd@debian.org> trash-cli (U) Jonathan Wiltshire <jmw@tiger-computing.co.uk> nrpe-ng (U) Jorge Soares <j.s.soares@gmail.com> fastaq (U) iva (U) Jose Luis Rivero <jrivero@osrfoundation.org> transforms3d (U) Joseph Nahmias <jello@debian.org> flask-appbuilder (U) polyline (U) Josue Ortega <josue@debian.org> galpy (U) Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org> py-stringmatching (U) spyder-unittest (U) Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian@googlemail.com> pyzmq (U) Julien Cristau <jcristau@debian.org> python-hglib Julien Puydt <jpuydt@debian.org> ipython (U) ipython-genutils (U) terminado (U) testpath (U) Karolis Kalantojus <karolis.kalantojus@gmail.com> mirtop (U) Klas Lindfors <klas@yubico.com> python-yubico (U) Kouhei Maeda <mkouhei@palmtb.net> actdiag blockdiag funcparserlib nwdiag seqdiag Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <gcs@debian.org> git-cola python-googleapi pyzmq (U) syslog-ng (U) Lee Garrett <debian@rocketjump.eu> ansible Leo Singer <leo.singer@ligo.org> pytest-mpl (U) Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net> ros-angles (U) ros-bloom (U) ros-bond-core (U) ros-catkin (U) ros-catkin-tools (U) ros-collada-urdf (U) ros-diagnostics (U) ros-geometry (U) ros-geometry2 (U) ros-image-common (U) ros-image-pipeline (U) ros-interactive-markers (U) ros-kdl-parser (U) ros-laser-geometry (U) ros-nodelet-core (U) ros-vcstools (U) ros-vision-opencv (U) Lev Lamberov <dogsleg@debian.org> python-epc (U) Liubov Chuprikova <chuprikovalv@gmail.com> q2-quality-filter (U) q2cli (U) qiime (U) Loïc Minier <lool@debian.org> cssutils (U) Luiz Amaral <email@luiz.eng.br> fbtftp (U) Lukas Märdian <luk@slyon.de> netplan.io (U) Luke Faraone <lfaraone@debian.org> django-bitfield (U) Marcelo Jorge Vieira <metal@debian.org> libthumbor (U) preggy (U) yanc (U) Marcos Talau <marcos@talau.info> crccheck Martin <debacle@debian.org> pysolar (U) python-gssapi (U) xhtml2pdf (U) Martin A. Brown <martin@linux-ip.net> tldp Martin Pitt <mpitt@debian.org> cssutils (U) Martin Wimpress <martin.wimpress@ubuntu.com> python-rx (U) Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel@debian.org> python-caldav Mathias Behrle <mathiasb@m9s.biz> relatorio (U) Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.tl@gmail.com> netplan.io (U) Matthias Geerdsen <matthias@vorlons.info> kopanocore (U) Matthias Klose <doko@debian.org> i8c libi8x Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org> python-intbitset Mehdi Abaakouk <sileht@sileht.net> python-lzo (U) Michael Fladischer <fladi@debian.org> celery (U) django-assets (U) django-nose (U) drf-extensions (U) pilkit (U) python-elasticsearch (U) python-measurement (U) Michael Fladischer <FladischerMichael@fladi.at> python-anyjson (U) Michael Hanke <michael.hanke@gmail.com> nibabel (U) nipy (U) python-mne (U) pyxnat (U) scikit-learn (U) Michael Hanke <mih@debian.org> annexremote (U) lazyarray (U) neo (U) pynn (U) Michael R. Crusoe <crusoe@debian.org> python-gffutils (U) python-pomegranate (U) python-pybedtools (U) python-rdflib-jsonld (U) Michael Vogt <mvo@debian.org> gdebi (U) python-defer (U) Michal Arbet <michal.arbet@ultimum.io> designate-dashboard (U) kazoo (U) manila-ui (U) mistral (U) mistral-dashboard (U) murano (U) openstack-trove (U) pykafka (U) python-doc8 (U) python-fluent-logger (U) python-jsonschema (U) python-kafka (U) python-tooz (U) swift (U) Mihai Moldovan <ionic@ionic.de> dnf libdnf librepo x2gobroker (U) Mikael Djurfeldt <mdj@debian.org> python-csa Mike Gabriel <sunweaver@debian.org> lomiri-url-dispatcher (U) python-rx (U) x2gobroker (U) Miriam Ruiz <miriam@debian.org> deap Muammar El Khatib <muammar@debian.org> amp (U) Neil Williams <neil@spladug.net> kazoo (U) Nick Morrott <nickm@debian.org> valinor (U) yotta (U) Nicolas Dandrimont <olasd@debian.org> flask-limiter (U) moksha.common (U) piuparts (U) python-fedora (U) python-limits (U) python-pyramid-chameleon (U) Nilesh Patra <npatra974@gmail.com> umap-learn (U) Noah Meyerhans <noahm@debian.org> python-boto (U) Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu@debian.org> python-log-symbols (U) python-nubia (U) python-spinners (U) Ole Streicher <olebole@debian.org> skimage (U) yt (U) Olivier Sallou <osallou@debian.org> biomaj3 (U) biomaj3-cli (U) biomaj3-core (U) biomaj3-daemon (U) biomaj3-download (U) biomaj3-process (U) biomaj3-user (U) python-easydev (U) Olof Johansson <olof@ethup.se> svtplay-dl Ondřej Kobližek <koblizeko@gmail.com> backblaze-b2 (U) python-tempita (U) Ondřej Nový <onovy@debian.org> backblaze-b2 (U) pytest (U) python-eventlet (U) python-flake8 (U) python-maxminddb (U) python-pyeclib (U) swift (U) swift-bench (U) Ondřej Surý <ondrej@debian.org> blinker (U) Paul Belanger <paul.belanger@polybeacon.com> python-statsd (U) voluptuous (U) Paul Tagliamonte <paultag@debian.org> dput-ng (U) Paulo Roberto Alves de Oliveira (aka kretcheu) <kretcheu@gmail.com> rows Peter Pentchev <roam@debian.org> createrepo-c Philipp Huebner <debalance@debian.org> yamllint (U) Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca@debian.org> vitables (U) xraylarch (U) Pierre-Elliott Bécue <peb@debian.org> mistune0 (U) Pino Toscano <pino@debian.org> osinfo-db (U) Piotr Ożarowski <piotr@debian.org> aiohttp-mako beaker (U) dh-python routes piuparts developers team <piuparts-devel@alioth-lists.debian.net> piuparts Rebecca N. Palmer <rebecca_palmer@zoho.com> libgpuarray (U) theano (U) Robbie Harwood (frozencemetery) <rharwood@club.cc.cmu.edu> python-gssapi (U) Robert S. Edmonds <edmonds@debian.org> voluptuous (U) Roland Mas <lolando@debian.org> traittypes (U) Ross Gammon <rossgammon@debian.org> gramps Ryan Pavlik <ryan@ryanpavlik.com> click-man Samuel Thibault <sthibault@debian.org> dogtail Sao I Kuan <saoikuan@gmail.com> cwlformat (U) insilicoseq (U) recan (U) Sascha Steinbiss <satta@debian.org> fastaq (U) gfapy (U) gnome-keysign iva (U) Sebastian Heinlein (devel) <devel@glatzor.de> python-defer Sebastien Badia <sbadia@debian.org> python-ncclient python-xmltodict Sebastien Delafond <seb@debian.org> hyperspy (U) python-param (U) Sergio Durigan Junior <sergiodj@debian.org> check-manifest (U) kitchen (U) pagure python-fedora (U) python-maxminddb (U) Simon Eisenmann <s.eisenmann@kopano.com> kopanocore (U) Sophie Brun <sophie@freexian.com> python-rx (U) Stefano Karapetsas <stefano@karapetsas.com> trash-cli Stefano Rivera <stefanor@debian.org> dh-python (U) Steffen Moeller <moeller@debian.org> bcbio (U) mirtop (U) python-deeptools (U) python-gffutils (U) python-gtfparse (U) python-louvain python-pomegranate (U) python-pybedtools (U) python-pymummer (U) python-seqcluster (U) python-serializable (U) python-sqt (U) python-typechecks (U) pyutilib (U) q2-diversity-lib (U) qiime (U) Stephen Sinclair <radarsat1@gmail.com> keras (U) Stewart Ferguson <stew@ferg.aero> python-apptools (U) python-flask-cors Stuart Prescott <stuart@debian.org> python-bumps (U) python-pyforge python-sentinels syslog-ng maintainers <syslog-ng-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> syslog-ng SZ Lin (林上智) <szlin@debian.org> requirement-parser (U) SZALAY Attila <sasa@debian.org> syslog-ng (U) TANIGUCHI Takaki <takaki@debian.org> python-git (U) python-gitdb (U) python-kajiki (U) python-smmap (U) Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org> designate-dashboard (U) kazoo (U) manila-ui (U) mistral (U) mistral-dashboard (U) murano (U) neutron-tempest-plugin (U) openstack-trove (U) pykafka (U) pyroute2 (U) python-barbicanclient (U) python-boto (U) python-crank (U) python-croniter (U) python-django-compressor (U) python-django-pyscss (U) python-doc8 (U) python-etcd3gw (U) python-eventlet (U) python-falcon (U) python-hplefthandclient (U) python-httpretty (U) python-hvac (U) python-invoke (U) python-jsonpath-rw (U) python-jsonschema (U) python-kafka (U) python-kubernetes (U) python-memcache (U) python-morph (U) python-nose-exclude (U) python-nose-parameterized (U) python-nose-timer (U) python-nosehtmloutput (U) python-oauth2client (U) python-os-ken (U) python-proboscis (U) python-pure-sasl (U) python-pyeclib (U) python-pylxd (U) python-pymemcache (U) python-pytimeparse (U) python-randomize (U) python-repoze.who (U) python-sure (U) python-tooz (U) python-wsme (U) python-xvfbwrapper (U) python-zake (U) swift (U) swift-bench (U) testresources (U) voluptuous (U) websockify (U) Thomas Perret <thomas.perret@phyx.fr> libpillowfight Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt@debian.org> python-flickrapi Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@debian.org> freeipa (U) pycdio python-gssapi (U) python-jwcrypto (U) Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> ros-catkin (U) ros-catkin-lint (U) ros-catkin-tools (U) ros-geometry2 (U) ros-vision-opencv (U) Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de> ros-catkin-tools (U) tony mancill <tmancill@debian.org> podcastparser Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi@debian.org> python-flaky (U) Ulises Vitulli <dererk@debian.org> webassets (U) Ulrike Uhlig <ulrike@debian.org> onionshare (U) Unit 193 <unit193@debian.org> gallery-dl Varun Hiremath <varun@debian.org> python-apptools (U) python-traitsui (U) Vincent Bernat <bernat@debian.org> behave exabgp python-git (U) pyzmq (U) Vincent Cheng <vcheng@debian.org> mypaint (U) Víctor Cuadrado Juan <me@viccuad.me> python3-proselint (U) Ximin Luo <infinity0@debian.org> ipywidgets (U) Yaroslav Halchenko <debian@onerussian.com> datalad-container neo (U) nibabel (U) nipy (U) pynn (U) python-git (U) python-mne (U) python-smmap (U) pyxnat (U) scikit-learn (U) skimage (U) Yaroslav Halchenko <yoh@debian.org> lazyarray (U) Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org> insilicoseq (U) paleomix (U) pynn (U) q2-quality-filter (U) q2cli (U) qiime (U) Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak <lukasz.zemczak@canonical.com> netplan.io (U)
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