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Re: cmake: get rid of -fno-fat-lto-objects

Hi Jerome,

* Jerome BENOIT <calculus@rezozer.net> [2022-03-16 22:37]:

One of my package builds with cmake.

All is fine except that the built static library gets the no-code-sections error complaint from lintian.
It appears [1,2] that /usr/share/cmake-3.22/Modules/Compiler/GNU.cmake enforces
-fno-fat-lto-objects unconditionally for GCC + IPO

What is the easiest way to revert the  -fno-fat-lto-objects flags ?
I recommend you explicitly disable LTO for the static library with:

   set_target_properties(staticlib PROPERTIES

LTO does not really achieve anything for static libraries: They are
merely an archive of object files, so the linker is never invoked on
them. You might think that LTO is useful when the static library is
linked with an executable eventually. Alas, the LTO intermediate
code is very compiler-specific, so it will not work with a different
compiler and most likely not even with a different version of the
same compiler.

Alternatively, you could add a snippet such as

        target_compile_options(staticlib PRIVATE -ffat-lto-objects)

This will work because the target-specific compile options happen to
end up after the LTO compile options on the command line right now.
However, dh_strip will remove the intermediate code anyway, for the
reasons outlined above.


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