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Re: Debian choice of upstream tarballs for packaging


On 27.08.21 22:56, Sean Whitton wrote:

That is ecosystem dependent.

Yes, that was my point.  We're going to have upstreams who release
tarballs and upstreams who release tags for some time.

My expectation for that state would be "indefinitely", and I don't see that as a bad thing, we should be able to handle either in our tooling, and we don't need to inflict a certain workflow on upstreams, and I don't see the autoconf+automake folks deviate from "make distcheck" as a release process anytime soon.

Where I do see us pushing upstreams though is towards "making releases at all, and committing to supporting them." The number of packages with version numbers like "0.0.20190812+git01234567" is too damn high.


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