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Re: Issue with installing manually created Debian archive with APT

On 7/31/21 11:20 PM, Hunter Wittenborn wrote:
> I'm working on a project that [1] that aims to bring the PKGBUILD format
> used on Arch Linux to Debian. That's besides the point though, and it's
> mainly just to help showcase what I'm doing brought me to my current issue.
> Anyway, part of the process that my program previously used is running
> 'dpkg -b' to build a directory layout into a .deb package. This always
> seemed to take forever though, and I've since gone with just creating
> the .deb package manually [2] with tar and ar.
> When I try installing the packages my program builds (with 'apt install
> ./debname.deb'), it works fine. But if I then try to reinstall the
> package (with 'apt reinstall ./debname.deb'), this error keeps popping
> up for some reason (the variables surrounded by '{}' represent values in
> a control file):
> Repository is broken: {Package}:{Architecture} (= {Version}) has no Size
> information
> Is there anything I'm doing wrong when creating the .deb package (mainly
> concerned with link 2 where the actual package creation takes place)?
> I've tried looking at 'dpkg-deb/build.c' in dpkg's source code [3] to
> see what dpkg might be doing when building packages, but nothing I tried
> got me to any solution.

The question is: why are you attempting to create the .deb yourself,
instead of using Debian tooling. Can't you simply build dpkg under Arch
and try to use it directly?


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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