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want help with autopkgtest for your package?


The Debian CI team would like to encourage and help more maintainers to
add autopkgtest to their packages. To that effect, we now have a
repository called autopkgtest-help on salsa, where we will take help
requests from maintainers working on autopkgtest for their packages:


If you want help, please go ahead and create an issue in there.  To
quote the repository README:

  Valid requests:

  - _"I want to add autopkgtest to package X. X is a tool that [...]
    and it works by [...]. How should I approach testing it?"_

    It's OK if you have no idea where to start. But at least try to
    describe your package, what it does and how it works so we can try
    to help you.

  - _"I started writing autopkgtest for X, here is my current work in
    progress [link]. But I encountered problem Y. How to I move

    If you already have an autopkgtest but is having trouble making it
    work as you think it should, you can also ask here.

  Invalid requests:

  - _"Please write autopkgtest for my package X for me"_.

    As with anything else in free software, please show appreciation for
    other people's time, and do your own research first. If you pose
    your question with enough details (see above) and make it
    interesting, it _may_ be that whoever answers will write at least a
    basic structure for you, but as the maintainer you are still the
    expert in the package and what tests are relevant.

If you ask your question soon, you might get your answer recorded in
video: we are going to have a DebConf21 talk next month, where we I and
Paul Gevers (elbrus) will answer a few autopkgtest questions in video
for posterity.

Now, if you have experience enabling autopkgtest for you own packages,
please consider watching that repository there to help us help our
fellow maintainers.

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