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Re: Bug#990521: I wonder whether bug #990521 "apt-secure points to apt-key which is deprecated" should get a higher severity

On 7/1/21 9:27 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
It's not clear (to me at least) that placing keys into
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d is deprecated

According to https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/UseThirdParty it is:

> The key MUST NOT be placed in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d or loaded by apt-key add.

There's nothing especially wrong about using signed-by, but
it's not the security fix some people seem to believe. In short,
*any* package you install can run arbitrary commands as the root
user on your system during installation.

Obviously, and the page linked above even says as much:

> However, the installation of any single malicious package from a malicious repository can currently undo these protections, for example by running a MaintainerScripts command to override the configured preferences or by authorizing new OpenPGP keys. For the purposes of this page, attacks by a package that belongs to a given repository are out of scope. To restrict what an installed package can do, see the larger UntrustedDebs problem, and particularly Teams/Dpkg/Spec/DeclarativePackaging for a potential solution.

In fact, the automatic [signed-by=] migration that I implemented uses exactly this avenue, albeit in an explicitly non-malicious way that prompts the user first.


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