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Nitrokey for DDs

Howdy fellow DDs,

so I started reading that thread about Debian spending money on <insert-load-of-things> and I am going to be honest here - I think I managed to come to half of the thread when I started feeling really tired.

I wanted to read to the end and insert my mail somewhere but I decided to take a different route.

I saw there was mention of GNUK and Yubikeys but I didn't see anyone mentioned Nitrokey.


They are a small German-based vendor, producing some nice products (among other "keys") and they (AFAIK) are doing it all in FLOSS spirit (aka they released everything in open).


I also noted that we decided to sponsor/help/fund Peertube (excellent choice my fellow Debianers), which I think is amazing when we look from multiple fronts: they are producing things we will likely use a lot for our DebConfs, we are empowering them to continue the work and in turn, they are likely to empower Debian through work and promotions (making us more relevant and asserting our position as one of the towers of FLOSS world - and it is time to adapt to new challenges we are facing with ever-growing non-free services and passive and active hostility from big corporations and governments).

In that regard, if DDs find Nitrokey interesting, I have contact with their founder and we could negotiate discount(s) on their products and also pursue similar effect as with Peertube - we (potentially) get what some (all?) DDs need while we help them grow as independent open source vendor.

I'll stop here (as I don't want this mail to grow into a novel) but feel free to ask me any question or comment however you feel.


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