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Who wants to take over gtk-vector-screenshot?


almost a decade ago I create what I think was a pretty cool hack: A
tool that allows you to take a screenshot of a running gtk3 program
that produces proper vector graphics (SVG, PNG)! This allows you to

 * write documentation that has crisp and scaling images
 * copy’n’paste text (e.g. error messages) from screenshot
 * other cool things probably…

The hack involved a gtk3 module, and the screenshot taking program
actually instructs the real program to generate the SVG, using
Gtk/Gdk’s uniform interface for drawing on the screen and in PDF files.

The hack is a bit hairy (you are running code in arbitrary programs),
and can crash (see #968031). I have not touched the code in years, and
I don’t think I’ll be in the best position to keep it working.

Is there anyone here interested in continuing maintenance and
development of this?

Or, maybe even better: Is there someone here who is also involved with
gtk upstream? Because while I think the feature is great, the
implementation is still a bit of a hack, and to make this really usable
it would probably have to be a built-in feature of gtk. So maybe
someone here can excite the right people about adding this ability to
gtk directly?

It would be a shame if this will just continue to bitrot…

Package: https://packages.debian.org/sid/gtk-vector-screenshot
Source: https://github.com/nomeata/gtk-vector-screenshot
Blog post: https://www.joachim-breitner.de/blog/502-gtk-vector-screenshot_code_published
Ubuntu wiki page (German): https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Gtk_vector_screenshot/


Joachim “nomeata” Breitner • nomeata@debian.org • https://j.oach.im/

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