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behaviour of "systemctl kexec" not matching man page, sabotaging kexec reboots with kexec-tools


some Debian releases ago I used to use kexec-tools to do kexec reboots with 
sysvinit. With the advent of systemd I used "systemctl kexec" with kexec-tools 
installed and it worked as intended. Some time ago it started failing and I 
didn't care because I didn't have bare metal servers running Debian at that 
time. In my current dayjob I'm again responsible for a bunch of servers so I 
resumed to care and researched why "systemctl kexec" fails.

According to systemctl's man page "systemctl kexec" is just an alias for 
"systemctl start kexec.target --job-mode=replace-irreversibly --no-block". If 
I invoke the latter with kexec-tools installed it actually works. If I use 
"systemctl kexec" the error messages are one of:

/sbin/kexec is not available: No such file or directory

on a system with no kexec-tools installed
which is actually helpful

Cannot find the ESP partition mount point.

on a buster system with BIOS-boot and kexec-tools installed
which is misleading, because I do not need EFI for kexec to work

No entry suitable as default, refusing to guess.

on a buster system with EFI-boot and kexec-tools installed
which is highly irritating and not helpful

No kexec kernel loaded and autodetection failed.
Automatic loading works only on systems booted with EFI.

on a bullseye system with BIOS-boot and kexec-tools installed
which is factually wrong because kexec-tools will do the loading (later) just 

I understand that systemd authors try to tell the user when a fast (kexec) 
reboot is not to be expected, but the heuristic is wrong on all systems I got 
my fingers on. Even if kexec reboots worked on systems with EFI-boot it would 
not be an option to reinstall all the servers.

IMO there are some options to proceed:
1) improve the heuristic in systemctl so that it succeeds if kexec-tools is
   installed, maybe with some option in system.conf.
2) work around the systemd bug in kexec-tools by loading the kernel at boot
   and kernel install times¹, wasting about 40 MiB of RAM.
3) provide a wrapper script (say "kexecreboot") in kexec-tools that runs the
   long version above and also loads a kernel in the case of sysvinit with
4) provide a wrapper script and dpkg-divert systemctl.


¹ that would miss kernel cmdline changes with only update-grub, but I couldn't
  find useful hooks for that
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