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Re: CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu release cycles

Hello Stephan,

Am 09.12.20 um 17:25 schrieb Stephan Lachnit:
> Hi all,
> maybe you already have heard it, CentOS is basically dead now. It used to be an exact RHEL clone, but now it's kind of an RHEL beta [1].
> Now what does that have to do with Debian?
> When we look into why people use CentOS, the reason is pretty simple: it is (or was) binary-compatible with RHEL, just without the support [2].
> I was reading comments from people that use RHEL on their production, but CentOS at home or for testing, because you don't need to pay for it.
> These use cases now don't work anymore, forcing them into either paying for RHEL, or moving to a different ecosystem.
> The more I started thinking about it, the more I wondered about why Debian Stable and Ubuntu LTS are *not* binary-compatible.
> It just doesn't make sense to me. Both Debian Stable and Ubuntu LTS provide a more "long term" approach than let's say Fedora.
> And while Ubuntu LTS is based on Debian, it is not based on Debian Stable, even though they have release cycle of two years.
> It would seem kinda obvious that Debian and Ubuntu have a common freeze period and work on LTS maintenance together.
> Does anyone know why this is not the case? I suspect some historical reasons, but I couldn't find anything quickly.

IMO one difference is that Debian supoorts all packages in stable main
for the release cycle of about 2 years and one year after,

Ubuntu supports only packages in main not in universe. so Ubuntu only
supports a small part of the repo as LTS.

Kind regards

> - Stephan
> [1] https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/
> [2] It's easy to find comments on various blogs or social media, but for sake of completeness let me just mention that CERN [3], [4].
> [3] https://linux.web.cern.ch/centos/
> [4] https://linux.web.cern.ch/other/

Mechtilde Stehmann
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