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Re: What can Debian do to provide complex applications to its users?

 ❦ 16 février 2018 17:25 GMT, Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org> :

>> Well, strictly speaking Debian does not actually need to be involved
>> then, applications are already doing that. But it's indeed a sign that
>> Debian is losing relevance, which is concerning and Debian could have to
>> do something about it.
> I very much disagree that Debian is loosing relevance, like many software 
> projects Debian usage is still growing. and other projects grow as well. 
> Debian was just again voted best linux distro by linux journal. Debian
> (and other traditional distros) surely lost relevance in the "web
> hosting plattform" "niche" but even there, in numbers we're still
> growing. just container based solutions are much more popular today and
> they ease installing crap^wstrange bundles.

I don't know where you got figures to support this case, but I have the
inverse feeling (and no figures either). Arch is taking away our desktop
users, Ubuntu is taking away our cloud users, Alpine is taking away our
container users and CoreOS/Atomic Host are taking away users interested
by container orchestration solutions.

>> Or we could try to embrace the multiple-library-versions-in-the-same-root
>> issue like distributions such as NixOS and Guix do. 
> you can use their package managers, and thus these features, on Debian
> today. there's also docker containers and other options if you want to
> use bundled "stuff".

With the small drawback that Docker is only in Sid (and outdated).
Make it right before you make it faster.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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