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Re: Why do we list individual copyright holders?

]] Markus Koschany 

> Am 02.01.2018 um 19:38 schrieb Russ Allbery:
> [...]
> > I think of the Standards-Version header in a package is a bookmark: this
> > is where I last left off in updating the packaging.  It doesn't change the
> > standard by which the package should be judged.
> I believe that the Standards-Version header should not be part of a
> debian/control file. I understand your reasoning why you want to keep it
> and why it is useful for you. Though in my opinion a debian/control
> file, or generally speaking all information in debian/, should be hard
> requirements and either technically necessary for building a package or
> legally required.

Why should we only include that information?  There is other
information that is neither, but where it's clearly useful to version it
together with the rest of the package, such as the changelog or the
description.  Or, you know, the Standards-Version for the reasons
described elsethread.

Also, the Standards-Version header is only recommended to be included,
it's not mandatory.  If its existence offends you so much and you have
so few bugs to fix in your packages that the primary effort of
maintaining your package is updating the Standards-Version header then
just don't include it?

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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