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Follow-up: Alioth: the future of mailing lists

Alexander Wirt:

> - Distribution lists for use in the Maintainer: field.  We suggest
>   that, with maybe some extra code, this use-case could be well served
>   by the tracker.debian.org service for almost all purposes.  For
>   larger teams, such as the Debian Perl Group, a list on lists.debian.org
>   might be another option.

These are a few numbers regarding affected source packages using
an alioth mail address (find script attached):

$ schroot -c sid perl count-alioth-packages.pl
     88 alioth addresses have       0 < packages <=       1
    140 alioth addresses have       1 < packages <=      10
     66 alioth addresses have      10 < packages <=     100
     16 alioth addresses have     100 < packages <=    1000
      6 alioth addresses have    1000 < packages <=   10000
      0 alioth addresses have   10000 < packages <=  100000



use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

# Grab first main sid source available
my $source = (glob '/var/lib/apt/lists/*_debian_dists_{sid,unstable}_main_source_Sources')[0];

# How to partition the counters
my @ranges = (0, 1, 10, 100, 1_000, 10_000, 100_000);

sub partition {
    my ($min, $max, @values) = @_;

    return scalar grep { $min < $_ && $_ <= $max } @values;

my %maintainers;
open my $fd, '<', $source;
while (<$fd>) {
    $maintainers{$1}++ if /^Maintainer: .*<(.*\@.*)\.alioth\.debian\.org/;

my @counters = values %maintainers;
while (@ranges > 1) {
    my $min = shift @ranges;
    my $max = $ranges[0];
    print sprintf("% 7d", partition($min, $max, @counters)),
          " alioth addresses have ",
          sprintf("% 7d", $min),
          " < packages <= ",
          sprintf("% 7d", $max),

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