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Re: suil - current packaging query


On Sun, 2017-09-10 at 07:12:08 +0100, Phil Wyett wrote:
> I found audacity now uses suil.

> http://git.drobilla.net/cgit.cgi/suil.git/tree/PACKAGING
> The bottom section of the doc:
> The purpose of Suil is to abstract plugin UI toolkits away from host code.  To
> achieve this, Suil performs its magic by dynamically loading modules for each
> toolkit.  The main Suil library does NOT depend on any toolkit libraries, and
> thus neither should your package.  Please package the individual modules
> (e.g. libsuil_gtk2_in_qt4.so) as separate packages, which themselves depend on
> the involved toolkits.  These packages should also be versioned as described
> above to support parallel installation.
> Please do not make the main Suil package depend on any toolkit package, this
> defeats the purpose of Suil and will severely irritate those who for whatever
> reason do not want a particular toolkit dependency.  The main Suil package may
> have a weak dependency (e.g. "recommends") on the individual wrapper modules,
> and it's fine if these are installed by default, but it must be possible to
> install Suil without installing them if the user explicitly wishes to do so.
> // End

> Is it just me or should this package be broken down into a core and subset
> module packages?

IMO yes. Although it seems this might require some tooling support and
a small transition.

> Any thoughts and how suil should be better packaged welcome.

AFAIUI, the Suil library provides an interface so that an LV2 host can
load on-demand at run-time the UI required by the LV2 plugin w/o needing
the host to directly link to those UI libraries itself.

So I think the ideal situation would be:

  * Keep a libsuil-N-M shared library package with just the shared lib.
  * Move the suil UI plugins into their own packages grouped by UI,
    something like (assuming that we just drop the Qt4 right away):
    - libsuil-(mod|plugin)-gtk2-(in-)qt5 (w/ libsuil_gtk2_in_qt5.so)
    - libsuil-(mod|plugin)-x11-(in-)gtk2 (w/ libsuil_x11_in_gtk2.so)
    - libsuil-(mod|plugin)-x11-(in-)qt5 (w/ libsuil_x11_in_qt5.so)
  * Add a new packaging helper (dh_suil-plugin?) that would analyze the
    plugin .ttl files to check for the UI used and emit a dependency on
    the LV2 plugin package against the required libsuil-(mod|plugin)-UI

The transition would imply:

  * Split the suil packages, and make libsuil-N-M depend on all UI
    plugins to not break any LV2 plugin.
  * Write the dh-suil-plugin tooling.
  * Modify all LV2 plugins to depend on the required Suil UI plugins.
  * Then drop the UI plugin dependencies from libsuil-N-M, either after
    one entire release cycle, or after adding appropriate Breaks against
    all LV2 plugins using UI plugins.

> Bug report?

Probably yes. :)


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