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Re: policy for shipping sysctl.d snippets in packages?

On Sun, 23 Apr 2017 21:00:41 +0200, Wouter Verhelst
<wouter@debian.org> wrote:
>The "packages drop files in /usr/*, sysadmins override in /etc" way of
>doing things is prevalent in the RPM world; in Debian, however, we
>traditionally have packages drop files in /etc, and let the maintainer
>change them in place. This is possible, because our package management
>system deals better with changed files than does RPM (which must work
>silently, rather than confirming things with the user). 
>The reason both procps and systemd support /usr/* files is presumably
>because they're installed and shipped in both worlds, and it makes
>little sense to patch software to *remove* a feature, even if we end up
>not using it. However, that doesn't mean we should necessarily drop
>files in /usr if we can avoid it.

With the notable exception of systemd, where "doing things like
upstream wants" is feasible because of the good tooling support
(systemctl edit) and the hostile upstream being likely to breath fire
at us for "doing it wrong".

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