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Re: sane chromium default flags - include --enable-remote-extensions

Konstantin Khomoutov writes ("Re: sane chromium default flags - include --enable-remote-extensions"):
> It's not even about updating: the first version of chromium with this
> build-time tweak simply disabled all already installed extensions for me
> so they were not activated when I restarted chromium after that upgrade
> session -- and hence were not shown in UI etc.
> What's worse, it's futile to attemt to reinstall them: the settings tab
> for the extensions works OK, the chromiums "extensions store" (whatever
> its real name is, I dunno) works OK, just when you try to install an
> extension, you get some mystical error message having nothing to do
> with what Debian's build did, and with no hint at what to do next.

Do we know why this is ?  Is this an unintended side effect of some
other change ?  Has someone done this deliberately and if so have they
explained what they were trying to achieve ?

I can see that the behaviour you describe would be very annoying.


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