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Re: Which files should go in ‘/usr/share/common-licenses/’?

Shall I also point out that it might save some spaces for Debian archive? It could be little but not effortless. Also for packagers it is easier to read shorter copyright files rather than full of license details.

Yao Wei
On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 at 03:39 Ole Streicher <olebole@debian.org> wrote:
Ben Finney <bignose@debian.org> writes:
> The files in ‘/usr/share/common-licenses/’ get installed on every Debian
> system, by the ‘base-files’ package. This is needed because that allows
> ‘/usr/share/doc/…/copyright’ to refer to a file there, knowing it will
> be available.
> If I understand correctly, the justification of putting a file there
> must include that it is overwhelmingly more likely to save *storage
> space* overall (by reducing the space in a corresponding number of
> ‘/usr/share/doc/…/copyright’ files), especially on machines that have
> low disk space in ‘/usr/share/’.
> So I think we should specifically ask the position of people who have
> expertise maintaining machines with very small disk space: How to judge
> which files should be unilaterally installed in that directory, in the
> hope of saving not only the efforts of package maintainers, but also the
> storage requirements on storage-constrained systems.

One minimal compromise could be to put the licenses of the packages in
essential to /usr/share/common-licenses: since those get installed on
any system, it will surely save space to centralize them.



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