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Looking for new Debian maintainers for courier-mta packages


TL;DR I am looking for prospective courier-mta maintainers for Courier
MTA packages.

a little history - Mark Constable asked me a while ago if I could
prepare updated Courier MTA packages for Ubuntu PPA. As a part of that I
whipped the courier-authlib, courier-unicode and courier packages up to
modern Debian packages standard and did some more improvements to the
packaging (as privilege separation on separate 'courier' user). I also
merged non-TLS and TLS versions and did some more changes (most of it
could be found in debian/changelog and/or in git log).

I did my best to break as little things as possible, but the changes to
the packages were massive. There's one problem though - I am not active
Courier MTA user, so I can do my best from Debian point of view, but I
am unable to do any extensive testing.

Therefore I am looking for active Courier MTA users that happen to be
either Debian Developers, Debian Maintainers, or just people that would
be happy to learn the Debian Packaging - I would be more than happy to
provide guidance in such case.

I have filled RFH (Request for Help) bug on courier package, but nobody
responded so far. Today I have changed that to RFA (Request for
Adoption) and I intend to properly orphan the packages before stretch
release and remove them from next Debian stable release. Well, unless
somebody comes up and makes a hard promise to take care of all Courier
MTA till Debian stretch (next stable) end-of-life and becomes

Please note that the bug list on src:courier is rather long:
(143 filled bugs) and it will need some time to comb through the list,
close the non-issues, fix the Debian related bugs and forward the
appropriate bugs to upstream. I would suggest it might be better this
would be a team effort.

Ondřej Surý <ondrej@sury.org>
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