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Re: Bug#846903: ITP: node-has-gulplog -- Check if gulplog is available before attempting to use it

On 2016, ഡിസംബർ 4 8:03:01 PM IST, Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen@err.no> wrote:
>]] Pirate Praveen 
>>   Description     : Check if gulplog is available before attempting
>> use it
>Is there a node-has-has-gulplog too, to check for if has-gulplog is
>available before attempting to use it?  This package sounds a bit
>even as Node.js packages go.

Those of us feeling weird can go through the list here [1] and see which of those are weird and help create a patch for their parent module and convince their upstream to use a patch instead. If you can't convince them, maintaining a fork would be fine too.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Nodejs/Tasks/gulp

If some one is willing to be an upstream for a combined gulp package, that would be amazing too.

You can also help by substituting bigger libraries like lodash for these tiny ones. You could also help maintain such combined libraries.

I'm not stopping anyone from doing these supposed to be better way of doing things. As long as no one steps up to do these tasks, you'll have to bear with the tiny packages. And its tiring to keep replying the same thing often, so I won't reply to any more tiny module email.

Thanks everyone.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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