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Re: PIE and static libraries

On 09/12/16 13:42, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Bálint Réczey <balint@balintreczey.hu>, 2016-09-12, 13:21:
>>> Reading up on the subject so far, I got the impression that most
>>> static libraries should be built with PIE, but not necessarily PIC
>>> (to allow building PIE(xecutable)s, but discourage creating shared
>>> libraries from those static ones.)
> How does it discourage creating shlibs?
> Also, is there a reliable way for a static checker (such as Lintian) to
> distinguish between -fPIC and -fPIE static libraries?

There is (kinda),

>> I don't see why should not we encourage using static libs in shared
>> libs and recommending PIC would also simplify the currently mandated
>> build process:
> Meh, this complexity lies in upstream build system most of the time.

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