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New doc: how to update debian copyright file with cme


You may recall that "cme update dpkg-copyright" is a command to help maintain
debian/copyright file [1]

The result is often far from perfect and some "hints" must be given to cme and 
licensecheck to improve these results.

I've written a wiki page [2] that provides "how-to" instructions to improve the results 
of "cme update dpkg-copyright" based on my experience with moarvm.

As usual, feedback are welcome, PRs even more so :-)

All the best

[1] https://ddumont.wordpress.com/2015/04/05/improving-creation-of-debian-copyright-file/
[2 https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/wiki/Updating-debian-copyright-file-with-cme

 https://github.com/dod38fr/   -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
http://ddumont.wordpress.com/  -o-   irc: dod at irc.debian.org

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