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migrating to Debian gitlab (was: Re: GitLab B.V. to host free-software GitLab for Debian project)


Quoting IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) (2016-02-11 13:17:36)
> thank you very much for all your efforts!

let me express my gratitude as well!

Thank you for all your hard work! It seems installing gitlab pulled in more
than 330 (!!) ruby packages.

> now i only need a migration plan :-)

If you are running systemd, you might want to hold off until RC bugs #814413
and #812841 are fixed.

As far as I understand it, migration should be as easy as installing the new
version over the old version and run:

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

And copy your prior ./repositories directory and authorized_keys file to their
new location in /var/lib/gitlab. To check your installation one can use:

rake gitlab:check RAILS_ENV=production

Another useful tool seems to be the one to backup the database:

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

The documentation I was able to find prefixes all the above commands with "sudo
-u gitlab -H bundle exec" but I guess this is not needed anymore with all
packages installed as Debian packages?

I'm myself trying to upgrade my version 7.8.4 installation to the version
currently in Debian but failed because of the RC bugs mentioned above.


cheers, josch

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