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Re: [Letsencrypt-devel] Certbot in Debian Stretch

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016, at 13:39, Philipp Kern wrote:
> So if you, as an upstream maintainer, have a change that is needed for
> compatibility with changes in network APIs and the change is reviewable
> by humans, a stable update could be possible. It's still on a
> case-by-case basis, so you would need to ask and the Release Team cannot
> approve what they do not know about.

There are more cases where Debian stable is getting new upstream
It's mostly to keep up with the security (MySQL, PHP), but I guess that
debian-release team and pre-negotiating with them would be helpful.

Peter, there's one more question embedded within what you have already
- would new versions of python-certbot and python-acme require new
libraries? If yes (or maybe), then the answer would be: go with
But if you can use whatever will be in next Debian stable, it might be
to negotiate with Debian release team to push the new upstream releases
s-p-u. (However I am not speaking for or on behalf of the release team.)

Ondřej Surý <ondrej@sury.org>
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