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Re: Keysafe dynamic UID

On Tue, 25 Oct 2016 at 10:31:00 +0300, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> It may be worth to mention my dh-sysuser debhelper here:
> 	 * unless another package requires same users, they are
> 	   removed on package purge
> 	 * if possible, ensures, that install-purge-install cycle saves
> 	   numeric identifier of users

The Policy bug report about deletion of users
seems to show consensus that packages should lock the accounts of system
users corresponding to removed packages, but should never delete them.
Is there a reason why the same rationale doesn't apply to dh-sysuser?
If not, please change dh-sysuser to lock accounts on removal, and
unlock on installation.

The rationale given for never deleting these accounts automatically is
that, in the presence of removable media, you can never know that you
have deleted every file that is owned by the to-be-removed uid; but if
any files remain owned by that uid, and the same uid is later reused
for a different system user, then the new system user has been granted
unintended privileges which could be a security vulnerability.

(Unfortunately, the Policy bug does not seem to have reached consensus
on which package(s) should be changed, in which ways, to make correct
user handling straightforward.)

I suspect that dh-sysuser could also benefit from review by an adduser

dh-sysuser does have the typical disadvantage of debhelper-generated
maintainer scripts: whenever a bug is fixed in dh-sysuser, packages that
use it don't get that bug fixed until they are rebuilt (effectively the
same issue as static linking). Minimizing the amount of logic in the
actual maintainer script (ideally reduced to just running one helper
tool with appropriate arguments), and adding a dependency on the
helper tool that has the actual logic, would mitigate this: perhaps
that tool could live in the adduser package?

I've wondered in the past whether systemd's sysusers.d(5) format would
be a good basis for declarative or closer-to-declarative user creation
in Debian. Like tmpfiles.d, there's nothing in that format that requires
systemd, and it would seem a shame for Debian to invent its own wheel for
this (even if a non-Linux-specific reimplementation of systemd-sysusers
is needed, there's no reason it couldn't use sysusers.d(5) format).


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