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Re: Keysafe dynamic UID

 ❦ 24 octobre 2016 09:12 +0200, Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen@err.no> :

>> The requirement to have this for dynamically allocated IDs also
>> probably stems from the fact that the users created in postinst scripts
>> should not conflict. But wouldn't it be far easier to just create a
>> page on the Debian Wiki and track that there? [1] And have policy say
>> to check that list to see that it's unique and add your package + user
>> there when you are about to upload a new package? That way, in 99.9% of
>> cases where users are required, and they don't conflict with existing
>> ones, there's no additional work for people other than the package
>> maintainer, and the package maintainer doesn't have to wait for a
>> response before they are able to proceed. And if there really is a
>> conflict, people can still post to -devel about it.
> I'd prefer if user creation was just done declaratively and then we
> could scan the archive.  If we have a manually-maintained list, it will
> get out of sync with reality pretty quickly.

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