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Per-user package configuration


I am working on runit process supervision suite, and I want to provide
user-local supervision support out-of-binary-package. User-local supervision for
requires one file pre user in /etc.  (Well, true is a
bit more complex, but nevermind). One extra will be spawned per user).

Question is: how to properly configure all this?

My best idea so far is provide at installation time list of users with
uid >= 1000, and ask for which of them user-local supervision should
be enabled. But seems that debconf templates are static, and I can't
dynamically generate list of choices (users). But I need to, since
users can be added and removed, and I want 'dpkg-reconfigure' handle

Another, more crude, alternative is just enable user-local supervision
for every user availiable in postinst. But it is not so nice to
require sysadmin to run 'dpkg-reconfigure' every time user is removed
or added.

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