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Re: collab-maint access for non DD on Alioth: am I using the right procedure?

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 07:52:29AM +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote:

> That really confirms the fact that nm requests are processed in
> batches, but anyway that they're processed, maybe just with
> occasionnal delays due to understaffing (as I wrote in my first mail,
> I'm sadly not really surprised of this : nobody's fault, imho, but a
> reality we have to face in nowaday's Debian).

Ideally, it could be automated, since a request from a DD or DM and an
ack from the person is enough to approve the membership request.

In practice, the only way I know of automating this is screenscraping a
1Mb HTML page of Alioth interface, and then posting a form. A mistake,
which could also happen unexpected at a later stage if Alioth starts
generating the page differently, could mean things like making the wrong
person admin.

I didn't even try, and I'm not aware of anyone having tried to automate

The manual version of the job is a boring sequence of clicks, and the
collab-maint members page is huge and *SLOW* to load. I am grateful to
those in Front Desk who take care of this.

The actual best solution for this would be to replace collab-maint with
something else, because collab-maint also has some other serious
problems that I'm looking forward to see fixed. There has been some
talking at the last DebConf about this, but I do not know if and how
things have advanced.


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