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Re: Command-line tool for programmers: which value for “Section” field?

* Ben Finney <ben+debian@benfinney.id.au>, 2015-09-23, 18:11:
Does a package, whose primary purpose is to install an application that is a development tool for some specific programming language, belong in “Section: <lang>”, in “Section: devel”, or some other section?

Policy says you can find section definition at <https://packages.debian.org/unstable/>, but unfortunately those are not very precise. For example, the "python" section is defined as "Everything about Python, an interpreted, interactive object oriented language".

Personally, I'd expect $language-specific development tools in section "$language", not "devel".

I'm raising this from the context of the ‘python-coverage’ package.

As a data point, I'm a frequent user of this package's Python module, but I almost never use the command-line interface. So I definitely wouldn't want it in section "devel".

Jakub Wilk

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