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Re: system upgrade by systemd

On 26.08.2015 06:05, Russ Allbery wrote:
Michael Meskes <michael@fam-meskes.de> writes:

PackageKit uses the very same resolver as apt itself does...  A log
file of what actually happened would be very helpful here, to determine
the problem causing the package removal.

Just try an update on a recently updated (Sunday) sid system and you'll
see see the conflicts.

I'm unclear as to what you have installed that triggers this, because I've
been using systemd and sid for eons and have never encountered this
behavior.  (That also makes me pretty sure, pace Steve, that this is not
something *systemd* as systemd is actually doing, but some other

No, I think it's the GCC 5 and the corresponding ABI update that causes this. aptitude proposed to remove 64 packages yesterday...

Best regards
Andreas Tscharner                                <starfire@sunrise.ch>
"Intruder on level one. All Aliens please proceed to level one."
                                      -- Call in "Alien: Resurrection"

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